Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wandering and wondering...

Yeah, I'm still on the same theme. Wandering and tired of doing so. Essentially, I want a new job, want out of Taiwan. But my efforts at finding a new job have met with zero success inspite of my valiant efforts. And prayers gone unanswered. A difficult time indeed. Last night, I went to mass - it was the feast of St Joseph. I was reading again at mass - prayers of the faithful, not Scripture.

I knew St Joseph as the patron saint for the worker. And was thinking, perfect, perhaps he will help my cause. You know, go whisper in Jesus' ear for me to get a new job or something. Guess what the sermon was... (yeah Fr Cary was preaching last night, I love his sermons). The theme was divinity of obscurity. St Joseph is literally obscure - no teaching, no wise words, even nothing much on him in the bible. The sermon was basically that you carried on, kept the faith, even if it makes you totally obscure, you keep going, doing the right thing.

Sigh... Alright alright. I'll endure.

Oh, BTW, on a brighter note. I got published. Straits Times forum page. My 2nd letter. Well, I've only written twice, come to think of it and, both times got published. Straits Times is really careful, they actually called me to verify that I was indeed the author.

Younger brother sent me a text message Saturday morning to say I am famous. I love family - they get impressed over very little.

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